Recent Posts by S Dorje

Nudity and shame – why do we feel shame about nudity?

Czemu wstydzimy się nagości?
Nudity is a natural state of the human body, yet many people feel ashamed to expose it publicly or even privately. Why does this happen? Why do we feel shame about nudity? What makes nudity so controversial and uncomfortable for the majority of people? In this article, I will share both the psychological and energetic…
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Vaginismus, what is it, symptoms, treatment methods, therapy

Ból - pochwica - opis

Wstęp, Etiologia i klasyfikacja, Pochwica pierwotna, Pochwica wtórna, Objawy, Dyspareunia, Aspekt psychologiczny, Metody leczenia, Lekarz i diagnoza, Psychoterapia, Fizjoterapia uroginekologiczna, Dilatory, Alternatywne metody leczenia, Osteopatia, Techniki relaksacji, Oddech, MBSR, Wizualizacja, Joga, Masaże tantryczne, Styl życia, Terapia łączona
Wstęp. Mimo to kobiety przez lata znosiły bolesne stosunki czy brak możliwości współżycia. Temat ten do niedawna był pomijany w mediach i pozycjach popularnonaukowych. Dodatkowo niespecyficzne objawy prowokowały do postawienia mylnej diagnozy

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Circle of Women – Women’s Circles | What types exist?

Krąg kobiet / kręgi kobiet
In recent years, terms like "circle," "women's circle," "circle workshops," and "men's circle" have become very popular and trendy, much like the trends of mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and spiritual development. First, it's worth emphasizing that when something becomes fashionable, most people get into it out of curiosity, or due to a bandwagon effect. However, let's…
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2023 – Personal development best books – Ranking the Top 7 Reads

Ranking personal development books
Reading books broadens the mind. In addition to this, you can gain valuable knowledge and significantly improve the quality of your life, and the best books will help you with this. However, personal development is a very vast field and is teeming with publications on the subject. That's why, when choosing the right read, it's…
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5 benefits of meditation practice, you didn’t know about

5 korzyści z medytacji
Did you know the benefits you can achieve from meditating for just 10 minutes a day? Meditation has been practiced since ancient times, but the first studies on it date back to the early years of the second half of the 20th century. Most of these initial medical documentation attempts were unfortunately less precise and…
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