About Us

Sonam Dorje

tantric massage in Warsaw, Naturopath

I come from a small town in Sardinia. Since the beginning of primary school, I have been fascinated by the development and achieving goals which to others seemed too excessive or impossible. I always believed that everything in life was possible.

The journey to conscious awakening I began in Poland more than 10 years ago. Since that time, I have learned and from teachers of different spiritual paths.

After many years of personal development, I completed a master's degree in psychology with a focus on psychotherapy and sexual therapy, achieving the highest grade. Additionally, I specialized in psychotraumatology. I am a certified practitioner in Havening Techniques® trauma therapy and have received the professional title of Naturopath. My expertise includes Neotantra, Temple Arts, and Traditional Vajrayana Tantra, where my own healing through sexual energy played a significant role - I began to share my knowledge with others and support them on their paths to conscious life. People say I am a Tantra Expert, however I believe that monks are the ones who are the experts, they dedicate their whole lives to learn Tantra. I am a Neotantra expert and tantra massage expert, which is not Tantra. It is especially amazing for me to watch how sexual healing sessions help people open their hearts to loving themselves and all people.

I want to support people in building self-confidence, also through conscious creation of one's own life. I want to show people that it is worth dreaming, having ambitious goals and realizing them. And tantric massages are a beautiful way to unblock the enormous potential that dozes in all of us.

As a Psyhcotraumatologist, Naturopath, Massage Therapist graduated in the PWSM medical school in Warsaw, authorized to practice medical massages, I, and the whole Anahata Tantra Temple apply to each massage the medical knowledge I have, because it's extremely important if we want to take care about the other person's health avoiding problems which can easily happen from people without medical background.

Now I have been developing primarily through work with the body and through the practice of developing consciousness.

I specialize in tantric massage combined with the healing of traumas and wounds which close our hearts

Könchok Jamden Tsemtso

Spiritual development began when after many difficulties I decided that I want to create my own life, not to be a puppet.

I understood that to achieve something, one must leave the comfort zone. Develop each day, your competences, body, spirituality. Have goals and follow them.

I got rid of my convinctions and people that blocked me. One of my goals is to expand my awareness and through my knowledge and practice to help others achieve their goals.

For me, tantra is like signs on the road that help and allow to reach the goals, a tool that polishes the diamond we are. The goal can change, but signs hints make us better and better, no matter what.

I want to help others find their way through working with the body and the skills I have gained in recent years.

I am an adept of the path of the traditional Tibetan Tantra Vajrayana in the transmission line of Drikung Kagyu, in which I too Refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha - Garchen Rinpoche.

O nas

To practice tantra requires even greater compassion and greater intelligence than are required on the sutra path; thus, though many persons in the degenerate era are interested in tantra, tantra is not for degenerate persons. Tantra is limited to persons whose compassion is so great that they cannot bear to spend unnecessary time in attaining Buddhahood, as they want to be a supreme source of help and happiness for others quickly.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

We discovered in our lives a path of spiritual, emotional, mental development. Implementation and implementation of tasks related to vocational education; a way to realize oneself and support other people in self-development through working with sacred sexual energy mainly in the form of tantric massages and healing sessions.

We took part in many workshops, courses, training in personal, mental and spiritual development, and body work. You can check our qualifications here below in this page.

We are adepts of the Buddhist tantric path. Sergio and Daria took refuge in Buddhism in the Drikung Kagyu lineage. We regularly study temple sexuality and real traditional tantra.

Spiritual growth is the supreme value in our lives, which we want to reflect in working with people in our Temple. We do not, however, separate spirituality from everyday earthly life. On the contrary. Tantra is a few of the ways of spiritual development that takes into account sexuality, body, pleasure, bliss as very helpful in the way to enlightenment.

Tantric massages, healing sessions are first of all work with energy, that's why we try to take care of the quality and purity of our energy and vibrations every day.

Some of the teachings we took part to:

  • Completed training and certified in Havening Techniques® (techniques for PTSD, traumas, fobias, etc.) - 2023
  • Completed studies and received the Naturopath professional title - 2023
  • CBT psychoterapy practices in Psychomedic, Warsaw - 2023
  • Achieved the "Psychotraumatology" specialization and received the psychotraumatologist title - 2023
  • Graduated in Psychology with the maximum grade - AEH - 2022
  • Graduate from PWSM Medical School in Warsaw - 2020
  • Bowen Technique - modules 1-8 - 2017-2019
  • G-point and female ejaculation practicioner course - led by Deborah Sundahl 2019
  • Lomi Lomi Nui Kinomana massage course - led by Tatiana Cichocka - 2019
  • Wild Tanrta Orgasmic Body - facilitated by Prem Gitama - Russia 2018
  • G-point and female ejaculation course - led by Deborah Sundahl 2017
  • New man - workshop for men - facilitated by Francoise Rambaud and Norbert Kulesza - 2017
  • Chi Nei Tsang I – Internal Organs Detox Massage & Tendon Nei Kung - Immune System Qigong - course led by Grand Master Mantak Chia- 2017
  • BioDynamic Breath & Trauma Release Training BBTR- 70 hours course facilitated by Giten Tonkov & Nisarga Dobosz - 2017
  • "Phoenix uprising" - 8 days long tantric initiation Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2017
  • Four pillars of Tantra initation facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2017
  • Tantric New Years' Eve Dream Manifestation 1 week long ritual - Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2016
  • "Phoenix uprising" - 8 days long tantric initiation Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2016
  • "Sacred union of Dakas and Dakinis riding the Dragons" initation facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati in Ibiza - 2016
  • Four pillars of Tantra initation facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2016
  • Advanced Temple Tantric Massage Course "Fire Snake Dance" - facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje - 2016
  • "Dearmouring and full body energy orgasm with body and pineal gland detoxification" - 10 days course facilitated by Andrew Barnes - 2016
  • Tatric Massage "senses wide open" course  held by Zenon D. Dorje - 2015
  • "Phoenix uprising" - a week long tantric initiation Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2016
  • Leading women's circles and women meetings course - Facilitated by Estera Saraswati - 2016
  • Shamanic healing in daily life - workshop facilitated by Richard Sion Windelov - 2016
  • Tantric New Years' Eve Dream Manifestation 1 week long ritual - Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2015
  • 2nd International Re-union of Sexuality and Consciousness in Poland - 2015
  • Advanced tantric massage course Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje - 2015
  • "Introduction to 4 pillars of tantra" course Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2015
  • "Phoenix uprising" - a week long tantric initiation Facilitated by Zenon D. Dorje & Estera Saraswati - 2015
  • Deeper relaxation by stretching with more awareness and The healing power of mantras teaching - held by Swami Kailasananda - 2015
  • Tantric Marma Massage course - Swaroop Verma - 2015
  • Tatric Massage "senses wide open" course  held by Zenon D. Dorje - 2015
  • Tantric Massage Therapist course 10 days course facilitated by Somananda & Liisa Maimon - 2015
  • Chakras & Kundalini teaching - held by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda - 2014
  • Is it possible to change the destiny teaching - held by Swami Gajananda - 2011
  • Ho'oponopono by Morrnah Simeona course - held by Anna Kligert - September 2011
  • Ho'oponopono by Morrnah Simeona course - held by Anna Kligert - March 2011
  • NLP course - held by Andrzej Batko - 2010
  • ...more...

Individuals who shared spiritual tantra, sexuality and shamanism knowledge with us:

List of people we personally met and had knowledge exchange from, in Poland or abroad:

  • Θεόκλητος Τσάλλος
  • Prem Gitama
  • Francoise Rambaud
  • Giten Tonkov
  • Nisarga Dobosz
  • Lama Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche
  • Lama Ponlob Trinley Nyima Rinpocze
  • Richard Sion Windelov
  • Zenon D. Dorje
  • Estera Saraswati
  • Somananda Moises Maimon
  • Liisa Maimon
  • Andrew Barnes
  • Ohad-Pelle Ezrahi
  • Michal Maayan
  • Baba Dez Nichols
  • Swaroop Verma
  • Dagmara Gmitrzak
  • Tatiana Cichocka

Our Certifications

Here are some of the certificates we've earned

havening terapia traumy warszawaNaturopata warszawaBowen Technique Certific atedaria-female-ejaculation-certificatefeminine ejaculation certificatesenses-wide-open-sergiotantra-marma-sergiotmt-sergio4-filary-sergiofire-snake-dance-sergioBBTRChi Nei Tsang

"The first mark of perfection is the conviction that one's practice will bear fruit. The second is having faith. The third is honoring one's guru."

The Lord to Parvati