Royal Rife, vibrations of living organisms, and wave therapy – discoveries of the inventor in the service of medicine

Royal Rife fale mikroskop terapia

Many scientists who proposed theories that went against the generally accepted order or were ahead of their time were discredited. An example is Copernicus, who was only appreciated long after his death. A similar fate befell Royal Rife and his wave therapy, except that most of his work was lost, and his discoveries are still regarded as pseudoscience today.

Rife's goal was to heal, and he dedicated his scientific life to this cause. His most significant discoveries, now referred to as frequency therapy, Rife's waves, and also bioresonance – do they work? Science is skeptical, but many believe otherwise.

Royal Rife i jego największe odkrycia

Royal Rife began his career not as a scientist, but as an employee of a company specializing in the construction of microscopes. He was interested in microorganisms – his resume mentioned that he completed bacteriological studies at John Hopkins University and conducted research on parasites.

Rife's true research began after he invented a microscope – or rather improved upon existing designs. Due to his modifications, Rife achieved magnifications that were enormous for the time, comparable to current electron microscopes. Fascinated, he observed various microorganisms under his microscope, recording these observations, thereby also becoming a pioneer of frame-by-frame filming. However, he was still drawn to biology and medicine. Under his microscopes, he managed to visualize numerous bacteria, fungi, and even viruses!

One of his most significant discoveries was the observation of pathogens that were smaller forms of other microorganisms and accompanied various diseases, changing their form depending on the environment in which they were observed. Rife named these organisms "viruses", even though – unlike traditionally understood viruses – they were living cells undergoing various transformations. Interestingly, Rife also observed such a pathogen in tissues taken from patients suffering from several types of cancers. He named it the BX virus.

This microorganism was later observed using more advanced equipment by researchers and scientists like Gaston Naessens, James Hillman, and Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, who continued Rife's research. The most crucial conclusion from Rife's studies on viruses was that all diseases – bacterial, parasitic, and cancerous – were actually caused by one microorganism that took on different forms. Subsequently, Rife focused on how to destroy it – essentially, how to create a universal cure for cancer.

Vibrations as the Foundation of Life

During his observations, Rife noticed that each microorganism had a different color, seen as an aura around the cell. This hue depended on the chemical composition and structure of the particular pathogen. Rife associated this phenomenon with vibrations – he theorized that each living cell resonates at a frequency characteristic of its structure. Such vibrations ensure its proper functioning, coherence, and health. This applies to both microbes and every cell in the human body.

Based on the natural phenomenon of light refracting through specific microorganisms, Rife calculated the characteristic electromagnetic wave frequencies for them, which he termed resonating frequencies. Analogous to the vibrations that sustain a cell's life, there is a range that causes the organism's disintegration. Rife's numerous studies showed that applying these "death vibrations" leads to the destruction of cellular structures, metabolic disturbances, and consequently, the deactivation or death of cells. It can be likened to an opera singer who, by maintaining her voice at specific tones, induces sound vibrations that shatter glass. The key is selecting the right sound frequency or, in the case of Rife's therapy, electromagnetic waves.

Rife's Frequencies and Waves, and the Construction of the Generator

For the pathogens he observed, Rife calculated the vibration frequencies that would cause their destruction. He dedicated the rest of his scientific career to research on the use of electromagnetic waves at the frequencies he had determined. His aim was to treat patients by killing the microorganisms causing diseases, particularly focusing on those suffering from cancers.

To conduct his research and therapy, Rife constructed a device called the Rife wave generator. This machine emits low-energy electromagnetic waves at the frequencies determined by Rife, which reach the human body either through electrodes held by the patient in their hands or through "headphones" placed over the ears. Rife conducted his research over several months, adjusting the therapy accordingly.

For instance, he discovered that to cure a particular disease, it was necessary to use multiple wave frequencies, as pathogens appear in various forms with different vibration frequencies. All the frequencies lethal to microorganisms are harmless to human cells. Simultaneously with these, during therapy, frequencies corresponding to the healthy vibrations of the human body can be used, potentially enhancing the effects and regulating various bodily systems.

Rife Wave Therapy - How is it Administered and Where Can It Be Applied?

Rife wave therapy can potentially assist in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Cancers,
  • Parasitic and fungal diseases,
  • Bacterial and viral diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, and others),
  • Lyme disease,
  • Food poisoning,
  • Pains and inflammations.

By using frequencies that support the health of human body cells, Rife's therapy can also be applied for purposes such as:

  • Hormonal level regulation,
  • Normalization of blood pressure,
  • Stimulation of blood cell production,
  • Increasing hemoglobin levels,
  • Accelerating the healing of injuries,
  • Supporting the functions of various organs,
  • Boosting the immune system.

It is essential to undergo the therapy under the guidance of a person specialized in operating the device. Ideally, the therapy should be approached at least 2-3 times a week, daily if possible. Each session can last from a few minutes up to several hours. Mild side effects might include sensations like tingling or skin hypersensitivity, or even headaches. Directly after therapy, patients might experience a decline in well-being due to the breakdown products of microorganisms released into the bloodstream. It's essential to ensure good immune system health so that these toxins are quickly removed from the body.

Rife's Waves - Wave Therapy, Controversies

Rife, along with his associates - well-known doctors and scientists - reportedly initially achieved 85% effectiveness in treating cancer in patients undergoing examination. After adjusting the therapy, this number rose to 100%. However, their research findings were discredited by the medical community, and most of Rife's documentation and equipment, as well as that of his team, was destroyed. Lynes, in his book "The Cancer Cure That Worked," claims that the opposition to Rife was the result of a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical lobby, which didn't want to allow the invention of a universal cancer treatment method.

To this day, Rife's discoveries are considered a part of alternative medicine since there isn't sufficient evidence for the effectiveness of the therapy. However, more and more research is being conducted on the use of electromagnetic waves in treatment - so far, these are studies on in vitro cells or animals, not clinical human trials. Still, they provide hope that Rife's discoveries will form the basis for new, scientifically proven therapies. As for the effectiveness of Rife wave therapy - it's debatable, but speaking of safety, there's little doubt - Rife's waves are safe for the body, as scientific studies show. You can read more about scientific research regarding Rife's waves in materials on the Havening therapy online website.

Similar to tantric massages, the danger can arise when the therapy is applied by incompetent individuals using unreliable devices. Additionally, Rife's waves shouldn't be used on people with implanted pacemakers, insulin delivery systems, or other electrical devices, and in pregnant women. In other cases, the biggest risk of using Rife wave therapy might be delaying or abandoning conventional therapy, which could have tragic consequences. Rife wave therapy might be effective, but rather as a complementary method supporting the treatment prescribed by a medical specialist and consulted with them.

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