Tag Archives: Women's circle

Circle of Women – Women’s Circles | What types exist?

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In recent years, terms like "circle," "women's circle," "circle workshops," and "men's circle " have become very popular and trendy, much like the trends of mindfulness, yoga, meditation, (...) course, that all groups under the aforementioned names should be dismissed and avoided. Absolutely not! Circle s are very beneficial, positive, and energetic places/meetings from which one can gain a lot (...) one. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If we want to benefit from such a circle , we need to spend some time and at least familiarize ourselves with the principles (...) have the chance to gain goodness, wisdom, and a feeling of happiness from such a circle . You can read more about toxic groups and how to recognize them in the book (...) with the actual ceremony, similarly, the situation is very similar when it comes to " circles." Most Circles Are Not True Circles What types of
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Tantric workshops for women – ecstatic Shakti breath

We live in a society where femininity is pushed to the back burner, and being a sexy and confident woman is not socially accepted. I invite you to a workshop, where you will born the female element in yourself and at the same time you will regain your power. In tantra the female energy called Shakti, is an uncontrolled power flowing from…
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