Ritual of the Fire Snake - tantra massage with flames
In our offer of tantric massages, we have also Tantric Massage of the Fire Snake (Fire Snake tantra Massage or Snake Massage). The name is quite mysterious and complicated, which is why we decided to write a few words of explanation concerning this practice of working with the body.
The Tantric Massage of the Fire Snake is a temple practice, a massage strongly associated with temple arts from the matriarchate era. This is quite advanced work wit h the body and requires a lot of practice from a person doing such a (...) fire in the receiving person if we do not have the activated fire in ourselves.
What is the purpose of the Fire Snake Tantra Massage?
Kundalini Shakti awakening
First of all, this practice (...) charge every cell in the body. Most of the people think about the fire qu ite clear-cut, the tantra inv
Fire Snake Tantra Massage – what is it?