Tag Archives: tantra

Tantric meditation with Deities – What it is and how to practice it

medytacja tantryczna
(...) peace and happiness to oneself and others. In this article, you will learn: What is meditation and tantra What is the difference between Deities and Gods What is meditation with Deities and How to practice it How to compare meditation with Deities to praying with angels What is meditation and Tantra ? Meditation is a state of mind in which one achieves deep peace, focus, and awareness. (...) of the practitioner. One form of meditation is meditation with deities, which is part of tantra. You can read more about different types of meditation in the book on tantra and meditation, The Power of Spiritual Development. Tantra is a collection of spiritual teachings and practices aimed at achieving harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Tantra originates from Hinduism and Buddhism, specifically from the geographical area now known as northern India. Tantra is not a uniform doctrine or religion but rather a lifestyle and approach to spirituality. Tantra assumes that everything is a manifestation of energy, which has two aspects: masculine and feminine. (...) aspects are sometimes referred to as Shiva and Shakti, or the active and passive principles. Tantra teaches that by combining these two aspects within oneself and in relationships with others, one (...) of prayer require visualization and repetition of words or sounds. Differences: Meditation with deities is part of tantra , while praying with angels is part of Christianity. Meditation with deities involves identifying with the (...)
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Gift to the inner child

(...) the natural joy of a child. How to order a tantric massage at the Anahata Tantra Temple? We invite you warmly. Please fill in a short form on our website: https://www.anahatatantra.com/book-a-tantric-massage/ We will contact you to schedule a specific massage date. Namaste Paula Natalia Sergio
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Sexual energy in tantra – what is sexual energy?

(...) of sexual energy in the modern world is limited to the sexual act, but in tantra sexual energy means much more. Sexual energy is everywhere First of all it is worth to realize that sexual energy is everywhere, in tantra it is understood as vital energy - thanks to it we live, move and function. A gust (...) this is a manifestation of sexual energy. Do we see in these phenomena something sexual? In tantra , sexuality means life, a continuous movement of energy. Sexual energy means life. In the case when (...) located at the bottom of the spine. It is the same energy used in Kundalini Yoga, however  tantra has a different approach to the body, as it is not based on a masculine approach aimed (...) only by a person who is competent, seized power in his/her own body and practices tantra every day. Read also about how to distinguish a professional from a hustler and how does (...)
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Tantra – the quickest way to a full awakening

(...) two different approaches in Buddhism about how to realize its greatest potential.   Buddhism, Sutras, pleasure and  Tantra According to the expert of Buddhism Myrdhin Reynolds Vajranatha all the teachings and practices of (...) of transformation of mud into gold The Tantric approach is reversed, and the contents of the Tantra s is radically different from the Sutras content. Tantric yogi practices already as a Deity in (...) able to recognize it. This is the tantric approach. Lama Thubten Yeshe   The fastest way to enlightenment Tantra is known as the fastest path to enlightenment, which involves the transformation of all our (...) so instead of doing like adept practitioners of sutras which steer clear of poisons of the mind, tantra practitioners look for the source of desire and immerse in the experience, so that using (...) in what we choose. However the above text explains the controversial approach to pleasure and shows why tantra energy of desire is necessary. It should be remembered that it is not pleasure the source of (...)
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Tantric energy tested by science
Our teacher supervised by scientists

(...) Somananda's official website and the description was written by our teacher Liisa Maimon - Meditation, Yoga and Tantra teacher of Somananda.org How Did It Come to Be? In the beginning of 2015 Somananda was approached (...) full-body energy orgasms, it was a novel and exciting experience. Is it possible to measure Tantra using scientific methods of data collection, and what would such tests show? Test #1: The Heat (...)
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