Category Archives: Tantra

Tantric meditation with Deities – What it is and how to practice it

medytacja tantryczna
Tantric meditation with deities is a form of tantric meditation that involves visualizing and identifying with deities representing various aspects of energy and consciousness. The goal of meditation with deities is to realize one's own divine nature and connect with it. Meditation with deities has many benefits for the practitioner, such as developing positive qualities…
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Tratak or Trataka? The correct name for candle flame meditation

Tratak czy trataka?
The correct name is Tratak (not Trataka). Tratak meditation is a form of meditation that focuses on a candle flame or another focal point, such as a drop of water or an image. The name "Tratak" comes from Sanskrit and means "looking" or "gazing." The word consists of two parts: "tra," which means "affecting" or…
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Sexual energy in Tantra – part 2 – Law of Attraction

Sexual energy - law of attraction
Sexual energy is the most powerful energy in the universe. It penetrates everything, animates everything, and possesses an incredibly transformative power. It arises from the polarization of two energies - male and female - which, according to Tantra, are the building blocks of the world that surrounds us. The law of attraction, which will be…
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2023 – Personal development best books – Ranking the Top 7 Reads

Ranking personal development books
Reading books broadens the mind. In addition to this, you can gain valuable knowledge and significantly improve the quality of your life, and the best books will help you with this. However, personal development is a very vast field and is teeming with publications on the subject. That's why, when choosing the right read, it's…
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