Recent Posts by S Dorje

Emotional release: How to free blocked emotions and emotional blockages

uwalnianie emocji
Every day we experience various kinds of emotions. They can be pleasant or unpleasant, but no emotion is bad; experiencing each one is necessary for our psyche. Unfortunately, we often reject difficult emotions, pushing them to the background, preoccupied with other matters. It is scientifically proven that suppressing emotions is harmful to both the psyche…
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Gaslighting in personal development groups and workshops

Gaslighting is a subtle form of emotional manipulation that is becoming increasingly common in personal development groups and workshops. It involves deceiving others about their reality and perception, leading to disorientation, frustration, and a loss of self-confidence. What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a manipulation that involves deceiving the victim, for instance, participants of personal and…
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Tantric meditation with Deities – What it is and how to practice it

medytacja tantryczna
Tantric meditation with deities is a form of tantric meditation that involves visualizing and identifying with deities representing various aspects of energy and consciousness. The goal of meditation with deities is to realize one's own divine nature and connect with it. Meditation with deities has many benefits for the practitioner, such as developing positive qualities…
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Anorgasmia – Lack of orgasm in women and men

Anorgasmia, lack of orgasm in women
Anorgasmia is a sexual disorder that prevents full satisfaction from sexual intercourse or makes it difficult to achieve orgasm - lack of orgasm - both during intimacy with a partner and individually. This problem affects both women - lack of orgasm in women - and men and can depend on many different factors. Regardless of…
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Tratak or Trataka? The correct name for candle flame meditation

Tratak czy trataka?
The correct name is Tratak (not Trataka). Tratak meditation is a form of meditation that focuses on a candle flame or another focal point, such as a drop of water or an image. The name "Tratak" comes from Sanskrit and means "looking" or "gazing." The word consists of two parts: "tra," which means "affecting" or…
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