(...) to complete recovery.
Pochwica pierwotna
By definition, vaginismus is a disorder characterized by involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles and part of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM). It can be persistent or recurring. It affects the muscles surrounding the outer third of the vagina (perineal muscle, levator ani muscle), adductor muscles of the thighs, abdominal rectus muscles, and gluteal (...) vaginismus occurs in conjunction with organic causes such as endometriosis, recurring inflammatory states of the vagina and vulva, mucous membrane atrophy resulting from a decrease in sex hormone levels (hypoestrogenism), and (...) penetration.
Injuries that occurred during childbirth are also considered a cause of secondary vaginismus. These include vagina l tears, ruptures, improper suturing, effects of forceps, vacuum delivery, or consequences of applying the (...) symptoms of vaginismus include pain, reflexive spasm of the muscles at the entrance to the vagina and the muscles of the pelvic floor in a defensive manner, squeezing of the thighs, (...) It can be divided based on:
pain location: superficial - pain in the vestibule of the vagina,deep - pain in the vault of the vagina, generalized - pain covering the entire vagina ; chronology: primary - occurring from the beginning of sexual intercourse,secondary - occurring due to (...) frequency of sexual intercourse due to the high rate of emotional stress that occurs during vagina l penetration. As mentioned above, the feeling of anxiety also arises in relation to gynecological (...) significant group of drugs for vaginismus are also drugs that relax the muscles surrounding the vagina or pelvic muscles or drugs reducing tension.
Psychotherapy and vaginismus
Psychotherapy is a component of treatment that (...)
Vaginismus, what is it, symptoms, treatment methods, therapy