
2023 – Personal development best books – Ranking the Top 7 Reads

Ranking personal development books
Reading books broadens the mind. In addition to this, you can gain valuable knowledge and significantly improve the quality of your life, and the best books will help you with this. However, personal development is a very vast field and is teeming with publications on the subject. That's why, when choosing the right read, it's…
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How to prevent Coronavirus and virus flu. Increase the immune response.

how to prevent coronavirus virus infections
At the date of this writing the Coronavirus is spreading very quickly and in Europe we are all at risk. We can also see what is the risk of importing the 2019-nCoV (COVID-19) virus in Europe per country in this representation of Eurosurveillance by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). If we…
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Yoni mapping therapy – what is it?

Yoni mapping - mapowanie oni - flower-kwiat
Yoni comes from Sanskrit and although it means external and internal female genitalia, it has primarily a religious-spiritual meaning. It is the source, the beginning of everything that exists - life and the entire universe. It is a truly sacred space. It is worth knowing what yoni mapping is. Intimate areas deserve full respect, but…
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Tantric massage as a perfect complement to the treatment of depression healing

depression healing - a woman with depression
Today we will show you what a great support for treating depression and depression healing can be tantric massage. At the beginning, however, we want to emphasize that depression is a disease and the sick person should be under constant observation of their doctor. Nothing can replace proper pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy - especially in…
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How to awaken femininity in oneself? Through tantric massage!

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We live in very peculiar times. Everything is changing, and faster than ever before. These changes are not always entirely good. This can be observed especially in our society, and particularly in the relationship between women and men. Therefore, it's worth knowing how to awaken femininity in oneself and return to the natural balance of…
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Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit – The Impact of Tantric Massage on Human Nature

wpływ masażu tantrycznego na ludzką naturę
The Impact of Tantric Massage on Human Nature Human nature consists of four aspects, which are entirely different but equally important. These are: the body, mind, heart, and spirit. A person can only function correctly if each of the four aspects is functioning correctly and working together. Therefore, more attention cannot be given to mental…
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