Tag Archives: jak wyjść z traumy

Releasing Trauma – How to Free Yourself from Painful Experiences and Their Effects

Uwalnianie traumy
(...) and difficult emotions affect not only our psyche but also our body. Few people reali z e how permanently trauma can become encoded in the body. It’s important to remember that (...) and to release it. A classical approach is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). While CBT is recogni z ed as a "treatment," I have doubts about its efficacy in "healing traumas." Trauma represents (...) traumas, it does not cure trauma! More recent trauma therapies include EMDR (Eye Movement Desensiti zation and Reprocessing), Havening therapy, and other techniques such as SE (Somatic Experiencing), NET (Narrative Exposure Therapy), and TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises). Each of these approaches utiliz es different methods to remove trauma and its effects. Sometimes pharmacological support may also be (...) directly but can recall it in their memory... and it works. The process includes analy z ing the patient’s past and symptoms. Next, the conditions under which the trauma occurred are recreated (...)
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Trauma and how to safely overcome it – How to recover from trauma?

How to recover from trauma
(...) said about how to recover from it. As a result, it can sometimes be triviali zed and misunderstood, though it certainly shouldn't be. Trauma, a word originating from Greek, means a wound. A wound on the human psyche. Is every wound to the psyche easily categoriz ed as trauma? The answer is no. In a psychological sense, trauma is an injury. It's (...) illness. Each situation is interpreted differently by each individual." Symptoms of trauma – How to recogni z e if you are suffering from trauma Diagnosing trauma isn't always obvious and straightforward. The symptoms (...) in processing the trauma. It's important to choose a professional who is experienced and speciali zes in such cases, to ensure the assistance is realistic and as tailored to the situation as possible. Trauma is a serious issue and should not be trivializ ed. Denying feelings or pretending they don't exist is not helpful, although it's a common (...) dealing with traumatic experiences. Remember, what's at stake is the quality of our life and health. Bibliography Zawadz ki, B., & Strelau, J. (2008). Post-traumatic disorders as a consequence of the catastrophe. Science, (...)
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