Tag Archives: echinacea purpurea

How to prevent Coronavirus and virus flu. Increase the immune response.

how to prevent coronavirus virus infections
(...) for being consumed orally. Not all of the essential oils are made for being eaten. Echinacea - (Echinacea purpurea) Echinacea is used in indigenous medicine of the native American Indians via external application for wounds, (...) It is also used via internal application for pain, cough, stomach cramps and snake bite. Echinacea can be found in nature, and its effects are demonstrated by conventional medicine. For example in Poland it is possible to find Echinacea in pharmacies in registered medicines. Many studies have proven Echinacea 's important immunostimulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, especially the alleviation of cold symptoms thanks to (...) flu, if the physican or pharamcist agrees it can be a good idea to include echinacea purpurea from the first flu symptoms.
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