Category Archives: Tantric Massage

Anorgasmia – Lack of orgasm in women and men

Anorgasmia, lack of orgasm in women
Anorgasmia is a sexual disorder that prevents full satisfaction from sexual intercourse or makes it difficult to achieve orgasm - lack of orgasm - both during intimacy with a partner and individually. This problem affects both women - lack of orgasm in women - and men and can depend on many different factors. Regardless of…
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Meditation and Energy Connection During Tantric Massage

Medytacja i połączenie energetyczne
Meditation and energy connection - during a true tantric massage, it is necessary to take care of three dimensions: outer, inner, and secret. Inner dimension Meditation and energy connection between the person giving the massage and the person receiving it are crucial elements in a true tantric massage because they contribute to the effects of…
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Sexual energy in Tantra – part 2 – Law of Attraction

Sexual energy - law of attraction
Sexual energy is the most powerful energy in the universe. It penetrates everything, animates everything, and possesses an incredibly transformative power. It arises from the polarization of two energies - male and female - which, according to Tantra, are the building blocks of the world that surrounds us. The law of attraction, which will be…
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Nudity and shame – why do we feel shame about nudity?

Czemu wstydzimy się nagości?
Nudity is a natural state of the human body, yet many people feel ashamed to expose it publicly or even privately. Why does this happen? Why do we feel shame about nudity? What makes nudity so controversial and uncomfortable for the majority of people? In this article, I will share both the psychological and energetic…
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