Category Archives: Tantric Massage

Emotional release: How to free blocked emotions and emotional blockages

uwalnianie emocji
Every day we experience various kinds of emotions. They can be pleasant or unpleasant, but no emotion is bad; experiencing each one is necessary for our psyche. Unfortunately, we often reject difficult emotions, pushing them to the background, preoccupied with other matters. It is scientifically proven that suppressing emotions is harmful to both the psyche…
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Anorgasmia – Lack of orgasm in women and men

Anorgasmia, lack of orgasm in women
Anorgasmia is a sexual disorder that prevents full satisfaction from sexual intercourse or makes it difficult to achieve orgasm - lack of orgasm - both during intimacy with a partner and individually. This problem affects both women - lack of orgasm in women - and men and can depend on many different factors. Regardless of…
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