yoni mapping

Anorgasmia – Lack of orgasm in women and men

Anorgasmia is a sexual disorder that prevents full satisfaction from sexual intercourse or makes it difficult to achieve orgasm -…

1 year ago

Vaginismus, what is it, symptoms, treatment methods, therapy

Wstęp, Etiologia i klasyfikacja, Pochwica pierwotna, Pochwica wtórna, Objawy, Dyspareunia, Aspekt psychologiczny, Metody leczenia, Lekarz i diagnoza, Psychoterapia, Fizjoterapia uroginekologiczna,…

1 year ago

Yoni mapping therapy – what is it?

Yoni comes from Sanskrit and although it means external and internal female genitalia, it has primarily a religious-spiritual meaning. It…

5 years ago